Healthcare & Life Sciences
Health outcomes are tied to your ability to see and manage your edge environment.
Healthcare and life sciences are massive industries with a plethora of IT business operations challenges around data privacy and regulations. While digital edge transformation promises a simpler future, it exacerbates these challenges today. Payers, providers, and pharmaceutical companies are committed to delivering top quality care and health outcomes – this is reliant upon their ability to manage their distributed enterprise edge.
Centerity combines healthcare edge devices and their supporting software applications and hardware stacks into business services views that enable you to simply connect, secure, monitor and manage your distributed enterprise edge. The Centerity Edge platform makes the job of business operations leaders and stakeholders, who are responsible for the revenue, market share, and satisfaction of customer-facing services, easier than ever.
We combine technology health, performance, and security into a unified, data-rich dashboard to help you make smarter IT and business decisions. The Centerity Edge platform increases visibility and reduces risk by collecting KCIs/KPIs from edge devices and applications; measures and improves SLAs, and proactively triages them to mitigate business impact, reduce Mean-Time-to-Repair (MTTR), and deliver an exceptional customer experience.